Don’t blame it all on rap music
many of these rappers made it plain and clear “we are not role models”
“This rap music crap is why these kids losing their minds”
I done lost count of how many times I have heard comments like the one above, by some holier than thou who wants to be judgmental, just to be part of the crowd that don’t have nothing else better to do but criticize how the bold, unapologetic, youth choose to express themselves that don’t fit the we shall overcome criteria.
Just for the record, as a over 40 generation X individual, I may not
be the biggest fan of the up to date rap that gets played over 100 times
on the commercial radio. Yes, I would like to see and hear a more diverse sound on the traditional radio and TV, especially from the talented African American individuals that wants to so quickly, sell their souls for fame and fortune, just to be cut loose by the infamous powers that be, as soon as attention quickly departs from imagery they’ve been forced to engage in.
Is it still fair to say, rap or the term I like better, hip hop music and the images from fashion, to materialistic possessions like numerous cars, and jewelry, and degrading actions like raunchy sexual tease is the reason society, especially in the communities that has a urban feel, has for so long become demented atmospheres.
Hip Hop is a culture that started in the streets of the Bronx New York. The Universal Zulu Nation, a Hip Hop awareness organization was founded by Afrika Bambaataa where the term zulu was inspired by a 1964 epic war film by the same name. The film is notable for showing the Zulu army as disciplined and governed by stragety. That style of discipline was also a must for the organization. After winning an essay contest earning him a trip to Africa, Bambaataa worldview shifted. Even though Zulu Nation was based in a urban and impoverished environment- peace, love, unity, and having fun, was an important principle that must be of the soul unless aggression comes in their direction, then by all means they must defend for self.
The organization influenced four elements- Breaking, Graffiti, DJ, and MC.
As time went on and word got around about the hot phase brazenly taking over the ghetto streets, the growth of the sound became a birthed genre taking over disco not only in the streets and parks but in the clubs, bars and eventually radio.
It’s been over 40 years since sugar hill gang signature joint “Rapper’s Delight” put hip hop on more popular radio outlets, music TV shows, getting more play in clubs, skating rinks, and block parties. Kurtis Blow, Treacherous three, Grand master flash & the furious five, quickly came in the mix to add flavor.
Def Jam records was co founded by college student Rick Rubin at New York University. Rick was joined by Russell Simmons shortly after. The label was greatly responsible for bringing the genre to the mainstream world by signing artists that became national-then international phenomenons. Nevertheless the refreshing sound and style, as well as the swagger that became true ingredients to the hot new phase, still was looked at, particularly by older souls as, nothing but a bunch of noise and another fad.
Partying and having fun was one of the focuses in the music that has bombarded the country. Revolution and pro black also started to be the forefront involving the music with the heavy influence of Public Enemy, KRS ONE. The teaching of the gods & earth was also in lyrics that also got playtime on many speakers with the main influence by a Long Island New Yorker with the stage name “Rakim”.
The sound and style, that for the most part was sedated, started to shift in another direction particularly on the other side of the map. Individuals on that side had -with a voice and talent to express to the world- a whole different ballgame. Six young men from the gangland territory of Compton Ca. released material that caused a lot of open mouthed shock.
“our records, if you have dark sense of humor, we’re funny, but our records weren’t about comedy. They were about protests, fantasy confrontation and all that.”
Gangsta rap, particularly out west, became the popular new phase in the music industry in the 90s. Homicide, gang wars, confrontation with law enforcements, screwing numerous dime pieces, was a few of the exhaling that was done on records that made this sub genre a force to be reckoned with. With that came the criticism, the judgements, and straight out hate from those that felt these artists, have a responsibility to be a role model and not be an example of belligerent actions. For years this genre has been topic of discussion when it comes to the crime rates in urban-and many surbuban- communities. Critics truly felt rappers and their messages perpetuates Gang violence that’s still costing many lives in cities and towns that these artists have an big influence on. But is that fair.
Do musical genre’s like hard rock gets blamed for the unruly behaviors by caucasians, that takes place in sporting events, bars, or the mass shootings by the hands of a obviously demented person. I’ll answer that: very rare.
So why rap artists are so pressured to be some kind of conquerors that will magically change environments, that has been untended by those with actual resources, to bring good economic health to the not so sedated environment.
There are many, many talented rap artists that dishes out positive
lyrics on subjects that don’t fit the criteria of the commercial
world but still have a loyal, indestructible following.
When I first heard NWA, talking about straight vulgar, confrontational, “we don’t give a damn what you think, this is how we feel” type of expressions, I was a little astounded. Before this group and other artists that came right after with that aggressive way of expressions, most (magic word “most”) of hip hop was light hearted, let’s have fun, throw your hands in the air, type of thing. Nevertheless, I listened to how Ice Cube, DR. Dre and Easy E exhaled words that many men of such age, living in not so promising districts, where neglect of particular souls, can relate. They was speaking reality but was labeled gangsta rappers. Many rappers after, who had that same belligerent, speaking our damn minds, and hearts, like NWA, was chastised for being bad role models.
Never ever ran from the ku klux klan and I shouldn’t have to run from a black man.
For years, hip hop has had a rep for being the blame of violence in inner cities, the blame of teen pregnancies, the blame of of drug use, and practically anything that don’t fit the middle upper class definition of progression that speaks favorable outcomes. Is that fair, I’ma go ahead and say it “HELL NO”. Remember many of these artists ,came out of not so attractive environments, and there was no other way to succeed that’s of worthwhile contribution. It wouldn’t be right to blame them for the actions of the few that’s still heading for self destruction. There has been violent headlining actions at many hip hop functions, but those actions are by the very few, that messes it up for the majority like me, that’s all about supporting and loving what we see as gods treasure to the forsaken. Sadly ,the unfortunate killings of Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG , 20 plus years later is still a hot topic involving the discussion of the danger and detrimental actions that gets easily influenced in the hip hop culture. Still, there’s good hearted folks that’s forever contributing to a cause.
Akon, Birman, common, T.I., Kanye West, B.O.B, 50 cent, Fabolous, Meek Mill are just a few names in the hip hop industry that’s forever giving finances, giving needs due to disaster, and raising funds for less fortunate outcomes.
AKON has provided solar power to 600,000,000 Africans called Akon Lighting Africa.
T. I. started “for the love of our Fathers” with his wife Tameka “Tiny” Harris and his mother in law Dianne Pope. The organization was created to support those individuals who are suffering from Alzheimers disease.
Chicago hip hop legend “Common” founded the Common Ground Foundation which is a foundation giving inner city youths new opportunities through the use of creative arts.
The “Robin Hood Project” is an effort to provide money to people in need all over the world. That was established by “GAME”. He started off this project by agreeing to give $1 million out of his own pockets.
So even if our taste don’t be appetizing to what they choose to give out involving their expressions, we can at least say many rap artists, have a heart to give back and get involved in communities that still lack resources for the lees advantage.
Let’s face it, this is a million dollar industry and it looks like it will be here for a long, long, time(so much for the it’s just a fad opinions). From the fashion, the TV, cinemas, radio, hip hop is still making moves. It is still being the only outlet for the neglect that don’t have or haven’t been taught other constructive, means that speaks prized living.
For the killings taking place in many American cities, I personally don’t condone and yes we as black men and women need to find ways to unify. That still don’t mean put blame on the specific people that choose to make a living using their voice how they choose to use it, no matter how vulgar it comes out.
That individual(s) that did the shooting resulting in lives lost is to blame.
That individual(s) who are selling the drugs causing addictions as well as wars amongst the turf is to blame. Even though, their choice to be involved in such lifestyle, has more to do with a detoriation in the condition of their community that results in lack of economic health.
For the younger kids that still lack role models that will show them the direction that speaks elevation, well, WE need to do a better job in providing counseling, mentoring and opportunities to the future. If we don’t then we can’t blame Fetty wap, 21 Savage, Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Drake and the many other top billboard voices for being the influencers to our future. How do we do that, start or join organizations that’s dedicated to progression in positive ways.
PATH which stands for Preserving Archiving & Teaching Hip Hop inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization that teaches the history, philosophy and the main elements of hip hop culture to nature creativity, advance scholarship, strengthen leadership and entrepreneurship across generations. this organization has numerous programs that puts hip hop in a esteemed light.
WORDS BEATS & LIFE is an organization who’s goal is to use hip hop as a vehicle for individual and community transformation through hip hop conferences, teach-ins, and their Urban Arts Academy program.
HIP HOP CONGRESS provides the hip hop generation with the tools, resources, and opportunities to make social, economic, and political change locally and nationally.
Those are just a few organizations with people dedicating their energy, expertise, and loyalty to the organizations that is doing their part being the true models, that is putting a more positive meaning to the unfair aspersions that gets tossed at a culture, that no matter how it is looked at today, it’s still plenty of peace, love, unity, and having fun. I don’t blame them.