this too shall pass
patience is virtue
The time is always right to do what’s right
“Martin Luther King”
It was the fourth week of February of this year, that
I recieved the LLC Registration- Articles of organization
filing certificate by the state of California making me an
official CEO. Around that same time, the transmission of
COVID-19 was first detected in the USA.
By mid march, all fifty states and the District of Columbia
had reported cases of COVID-19.
Here I am, finally getting courage to
go after my dreams, about to open a business
account, get business cards, and network my
behind off, just to be demanded we stay put at
our place of rest. Not to mention being a spoken word
artist, where performing on the local stages, plays
a big part in gaining a following to my busines
which by the way is a — press company. Those stages like many other business had to shut it down. Writing and promoting books of poetry,
essays, and short stories was — and still is — the
goal and vision of the company that will
eventually take off to status, giving distinguished
It’s been many years that I wanted to step out
on faith and put myself in a
position, where I am in 100% control
of running the show involving my talent,as
well as opening doors for other voices and
bona fide type personalities, to be the shine
to the constant unwelcome dark.
Obviously God had different plans.
I am not the one to question the god
of my understanding of the epidemic
that’s still spreading, and costing lives
at that, including personal friends and family.
Still, I wonder with the praying, walking with
faith, putting in the work along with faith, and other
healthy spiritual actions that it takes to strive to that
Endeavor of accomplishments, how is it, I gotta be
part of the crowd that must stay still and wait till
the coast is clear. Only one man knows that answer
yes I am still employed so far, so glory to that.
It’s almost time for graduation for thousands of students
About a month from now, traditionally
students would go on stage at their place of
education and grab that paper called degree- or for
high school grads, diploma.
Talking about 4 years(or more) of getting in those
books, taking exams after exams, taking tutoring,
not to mention, still learning and experimenting the social element of adulthood, the way it looks it will be celebrated in such casualty.
Though, many college administrators will try to instead postpone ceremonies.
Can’t imagine the dismay going on at many campuses, where such tradition
of wearing that gown, surrounded by hundreds of peers, family in the crowd flashing pictures, may come down to, just a trip to the administrative
office, with a try to be smiling faces, saying congrats and here you go.
I still sit in this small, but nice cozy room in
downtown LA. looking at that paper where it says I’m
a boss, though no further actions has taken place
due to highly encouraged isolation.
After accepting the fact that, this is real so let me
abide by the rules and demands of social distance,
I decided, let me put the pen, paper, and keyboards to use.
After all, my entrepreneurial vision is focused on
Within 6 weeks I wrote 30 plus poems, most final drafts,
3 short stories, and after checking out YouTube videos
about submitting my work, I randomly clicked this video saying,
“how beginners can make money writing on medium.”
I decided to check that video out, thinking there’s a catch to this.
When I saw the individual not only explain,
but show statistics of his success to a point where
he is making a nice income, to a even better point, he’s writing full time in
this particular field of journalism.
After researching, by watching other videos and google
about this revolutionary sense of blogging, I decided to give it a
shot. Without getting into too many details- I don’t want to turn this to a promotional ad. I decided to get in the partners program, put in my banking info.
and with my iPhone( yes iPhone, didn’t have laptop), I wrote my first
medium article. Lets just say that article was a disaster.
Still I listened and learned from more successful bloggers, and
after finally getting my laptop, I put more careful, professional,
energy to my penmanship.
Just a handful of stories published, only a few cents made, but
a level of gratitude has been spirited on me. Never realized that this epidemic
would have me open minded to another meaning of communicating and maybe earnings. God still works in mysterious ways.
There are many out there who feels, It just
ain’t meant to be. Unemployment, layoffs, substance abuse,
depression, suicide thoughts and attempts, etc. etc. has been
the actions of many. Those are seen as the cures to the
madness that bum rushed their place of existence.
Personally and fortunately I didnt entertain such
mental meanings.
It don’t seem like this epidemic gonna calm
right away, but some things can still get done that’s
of constructive actions.
Swag bucks, shop kick, and yes medium has processes
that can help you earn some income, though its gonna take
patience and dedication. Need I mention persistence. Times like this
can discourage giving our all to what’s not originally part of the
game plan we signed up for. Still, some sense of motivation can surprisingly
be installed in us to strive to new temporary action, providing
economic fruits that can nutritionally keep our soul in better
mental, emotional, need I mention financial health.
There were 6.6 million job claims for the week
ending March 28th
there’s an app where you can still have
face to face contact with others and still be
safe, it’s called, ZOOM.
Many churches, mass, self help programs, 12 step meetings,
are putting use to a
touch of technology, where you can be face to face
with someone familiar, or a stranger, where connections can
take place and don’t have to totally be in isolation.
I know, it still ain’t nothing like the physical contact, but this piece of technology can surprisingly, still be a help to the lonely or those
living with others, and need to see and interact with different
faces for a hour or two.
I’m still alive
still employed
still alive
still healthy
still alive
still an official CEO
still Ali
I’m sure you see where I’m going with this.
I know, we wish we can be at the beach, or
picnic, or walking with our face exposed so
people can see how good looking we are.
Guess what, at the time of this writing, there’s numerous of
people laying in hospital beds, in conditions
that might be days away from an unfortunate
PLEASE think of where you at right now that will,
provide gratitude and have you say
Then try to take advantage of the technology you got in front of you, use it wisely.
Then get ready for that testimony, that by gods grace
I (and hopefully you), will have when success returns from vacation.